About Us

We are James and Hannah Manderino, and we have five children – Yael, Marianna, Ezekiel, Teddy and Aviva. We live in middle Tennessee (near Manchester), and have a small homestead. We enjoy gardening and animal husbandry, with our farm animals consisting of cows, goats and chickens.

Hannah has had over 25 years of experience raising puppies, beginning with helping her parents raise Labradors in the late 1990s. In 2010 she started raising Beagliers and Cavachons, and in 2011 she raised their first litter of Coton de Tulear puppies.

When we married in 2017, Hannah stopped managing that business in order to focus on our family for a bit. We raised a few litters of puppies during that time, but we are now expanding our business to focus on raising the Beaglier and Cavaton designer breeds.

Our puppies are raised with lots of love and are well-socialized. We endeavor to raise healthy puppies that are well adjusted and make wonderful companion dogs.