
I love Dash! He is the best puppy and friend I could ask for. Cavatons are a great breed that are super sweet, loyal, and playful. The breeders were very nice and responsive. They provided all his shot records. They had already started potty training him which was great. I would get a dog from them again!
– Madelyn S, Texas

This is our second dog that we’ve purchased from Hannah. She’s great to work with and takes great care of the puppies she raises. Our Calvin is a sweet boy and very good natured. We chose this breed because of of the great mix of King Charles Cavalier and Coton de Tulear.
– Kathie K, Wisconsin

We bought our first Coton de Tulear, Bella, from Hannah over 10 years ago, and she has been the best dog. Our lives wouldn’t be the same without her. Needless to say, we love her dearly. A few years ago, we started thinking about getting another Coton from Hannah’s family, but when we found out Hannah was breeding Cavatons, we decided we would give this new breed a try. We are so happy we did. Like Bella, our Cavaton, Yogi, has the perfect temperament. Both of them are as sweet as they can be and are wonderful with our three young children. Neither of them shed, which was very important to us. As far as size goes, Yogi, who is a little over a year old, weighs six and a half pounds, whereas Bella, who is almost 11 years old, weighs 18 pounds. Hannah has always been very pleasant to work with. She cares about her dogs and the homes they go to. If you are looking for a Cavaton, we would highly recommend Arrows and Shoots Cavatons.
– Jonathan W, Tennessee